From the Ridiculous to the Sublime

The Twin Flame path can feel confusing, never-ending, and tumultuous to the point of absurdity. In essence, it is an initiation that gives you back yourself by removing all need, insecurity, and desperation. It does so by hurling you into a world of need, insecurity, and desperation – so that you heal these limitations forever. So that you become solid and strong in your own unconditional love.

How do you get back to unconditional love – the love that is your true nature? By being thrust into the opposite. You see your conditioning in sharp relief, your need for external validation, your lack of worthiness and distraction from true joy – and it is all delivered on a silver platter by your Twin Flame.

The dark night of the soul that ensues is ridiculous. There are so many dark nights that you lose count. All of your pain is brought to the surface. You cannot escape it, bury it, deny or avoid it any longer. The longing – the LOVE makes it impossible to do so. You are driven to heal EVERYTHING by the one who is EVERYTHING. What a genius, albeit excruciating plan.

What saves you is LOVE. The very love that merges with your Beloved. The love that stirs from your depths with infinite magnetism.

Love saves you. Love in the ruins of your old life. Love in the face of what is most scary and raw. The Love of your very self.

Love emerges and changes everything you knew before. You will never be the same again. You can never go back, for you are discovering who you really are and why you are here, with sublime remembrance.

You are a leader of Love, dear friend, here to help our waking world. So Godspeed, brave soul, until you love yourself as much as you love your Twin. Unconditionally.

Until you emerge from the ruins, brush off the dust, and begin to truly flourish. And bring so much unconditional love to this earth.